A Meerkat striking a pose and soaking up the sun on a cold morning. This photo was taken at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs. One of these days, I'd love to travel to South Africa and see them in their natural environment. Apparently, meerkats are believed to protect against werewolves. Good thing to know during the full moon...
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Camera Critters for other pictures of animals.
Edit: Fixed spelling of Meerkat (thanks Abby!)
Hmm, that doesn't look like just a mere cat :-)
I never heard that before amazing
It seems to be concentrating on something. Good for you, you got a fantastic shot.
Aren't merecats fun?!!! I love watching the sentinels.
you so lucky! he is smeling you!
How cool is that ?
Neat shot!
Awww! So sweet & such a clear shot
Great photo. The lighting is superb.
Nebraska Birding
Hmm....it's nice to know there's a second option to the silver bullets.
love the posing. he looks quite noble and this is a great shot!
You used the lighting and shadows to your advantage and to enhance the image beautifully... my focus goes directly to that nose and eye - fantastic photograph.
On another note, I've set up a "directory" page on the main gritfx website for my cc posts. I'd like to add some links to other cc participants - yourself included. If you're interested in being added, send me a website/blog badge (120pixels wide x 80pixels) to manz76@live.com.
Manz's Camera Critters Page
a wonderful portrait! a fine profile :)
A very cool photo !!!
I love Meerkats .... they are such interesting animals ! :-)
He's kind of cute!
Oh, I love watching Merekat Manor on Animal Plant. This one looks like "Flower". So cute.
Stunning pose Russ and the details are defining. Awesome
Thanks everyone! I spent all weekend practicing photography, and have a lot to catch up on!
Fantastic photo with great detail and lighting. He looks like he's perplexed and wishing to ask a question. hehe
great up close picture of merekat
I really like this. I feel like it should be wearing a monocle or a pearl necklace. :)
cool! Did you know that's not how you spell meerkat?
Hi Abby! Thanks.
That is the problem with lazily trusting the web. I saw some stuff that used Merekat instead of Meerkat.
Good eye!
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